Plastic Bowling Balls

>> Tuesday, February 9, 2010

If you are a competitive bowler and would like to throw a spare bowling ball that has virtually no hook into the pins then I recommend throwing a plastic bowling ball, otherwise known as a polyester bowling ball.

Plastic Bowling Balls

There are of course a number of bowling ball materials available to purchase. Plastic bowling balls typically are the cheapest and are the simplest balls to make. The cores of these balls are usually shaped like a pancake and the shell is highly polished. Both of these features cause the plastic ball to slide more than hook on the lane which for the competitive bowler is very desirable. Spare shots are much easier to make with a straight shot and the plastic bowling ball when shined does just that.

Plastic Bowling Balls on Sale

Why Buy A Plastic Bowling Ball

You might wonder however why a competitive bowler would want to throw their spare balls straight. The reason is simple. The first shot or the strike shot is thrown with the intent of driving through the pocket to carry all ten pins. The plastic ball does not easily drive through the pocket and is hard to consistently get strikes with but it is easy to hit single pins spares with because a straight line to your target allows a greater margin of error than a hook ball.

Additional Spare Ball Benefits

Additionally throwing a plastic spare ball lets the professional bowler, league bowler, or competitive bowler a chance to shoot their spares without worrying about the oil conditions of the lane. Because the plastic bowling balls do not hook on any lane condition you can effectively shoot spares with a plastic ball and not have to adjust for lane conditions. Simply make your approach and shot and follow through and spares should be second nature with a plastic spare ball.

There are a number of plastic balls available to choose from. All bowling ball manufacturers make plastic balls and they are usually the cheapest bowling balls you can find. They also are usually the most varied in style. If you are in the market to buy a plastic bowling ball then make your checklist for what you want. Branded balls and solid balls are available if you shop around.


Discount Plastic Bowling Balls

>> Friday, February 5, 2010

Is there really such a thing as discount plastic bowling balls? As far as I’m concerned there really isn’t. Plastic bowling balls which are overpriced still seem like discount bowling balls. They are wildly cheap and for good reason. There is hardly and science involved in them.

Discount Plastic Bowling Balls

Discount plastic bowling balls from virtually every bowling ball manufacturer come with two things essentially the same. They all have a pancake shaped weight block which is very simple and they all have a basic plastic coverstock made from polyester. They are all basically the same and they all are very simple in construction.

Discount plastic bowling balls would imply that these balls are selling for very cheap. They assume that the price has been discounted significantly however most discount bowling balls carrying prices lower than those found at a typical pro shop will not be discounted enough to offset the costs of drilling the ball at your pro shop later on down the line.

If you want to buy a discount bowling ball it may be because you have access to free bowling ball drilling or maybe because you found a high end plastic bowling ball that has an engineered core. These balls are somewhat rare and thus they can cost more money.

If you do go out for a bowling ball and want to keep your costs as low as possible discount plastic bowling balls can usually be found online in various overstock bins or possibly on the discount rack in your local bowling pro shop. Remember if there’s nothing physically wrong with your discount bowling ball and you can cover the drilling somewhere else then they are a great way to build you selection of bowling balls for cheap.


Cheap Plastic Bowling Balls

>> Thursday, February 4, 2010

Cheap plastic bowling balls are probably the most important part of any professional or competitive bowlers arsenal. Despite the fact that the plastic bowling ball is the simplest of all bowling balls, the cheapest of all bowling balls, and the most durable of all bowling balls it is still the most important.

Cheap Plastic Bowling Balls

You don’t have to buy an expensive plastic bowling ball if you want it to perform well either. The whole point of buying a cheap plastic bowling ball is to simply have a plastic spare ball that goes straight no matter what.

Strike shots all require some amount of hook and drive into the pins but a straight shot with a plastic spare ball is necessary for consistent scoring on demanding lane conditions. Again, the price point doesn’t matter. A cheap plastic bowling ball is just as good as an expensive one. Just make sure it’s name brand and is not damaged. That’s pretty much all you need to know.

The only other plastic balls that you have to stay away from are the expensive plastic balls. There aren’t many of them but occasionally you’ll find a plastic bowling ball that is not intended to be a spare ball. These balls have specially designed cores to generate flip and hook. However because they are made of plastic the reaction is very slight and very much designed for a small sliver of the bowling ball market.

If you are in the market and are looking for a basic spare ball just go with the cheapest plastic ball you can find at a pro shop. Cheap plastic bowling balls should be the glue that holds a bowler together. The spare ball should always be used for the second shot, no matter what pins are left behind.


Used Plastic Bowling Balls

>> Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Used plastic bowling balls are a fine alternative to buying a new plastic spare ball because the plastic coverstock basically holds up very well over time. As long as you can plug and redrill the used ball to fit your fingers for an affordable price then it is very worth it to buy used rather than new.

Used Plastic Bowling Balls

As I previously noted used plastic bowling balls are just as good as their newer counterparts. The reason for this is because used equipment of any kind usually lose much of its resell value immediately after the first sale. However because the used plastic bowling balls hold up so well they end up performing just as good as new for many years down the line.

When you redrill a used bowling ball you are essentially filling the holes with a compound that changes the makeup of the coverstock. In high end reactive bowling balls this can be a problem because a spot of high tech coverstock is missing but with plastic coverstock nothing substantial changes.

Used plastic spare balls essentially offer the beginning bowler an opportunity to buy a first bowling ball to learn what it is like bowling with holes that fit the hand. Used plastic balls are also great for the hands of youth bowlers whose hands are constantly growing.

If you have a beginning bowler in the house or are a beginning bowler yourself you may want to buy a used plastic bowling ball to learn the ropes of how to bowl correctly. Then from there you can begin to expand your arsenal of bowling equipment once you know you’re going to be sticking with the game. Buy a used plastic bowling ball and go have some fun!


Plastic Bowling Ball Reviews

>> Sunday, January 31, 2010

Plastic bowling balls are the heart and soul of the competitive bowlers arsenal. There are what makes great spare shooting possible. If you are learning to bowl or are learning to bowl on the pro tour you need to have a good spare ball made ofplastic to cut down on your hook. The straight shot is the easiest shot to make spares and a plastic bowling ball goes straighter than any other... but which plastic bowling ball should you buy? Are there differences to consider?

Plastic Bowling Ball Reviews

There are a few quality plastic bowling ball reviews around that are unbiased to bowling ball manufacturer. Most plastic bowling balls are pretty much the same but if you were to speak to a ball rep they surely would have reasons to say why their spare ball was better than the competition. If you want an unbiased plastic bowling ball review then read on, but keep this in mind: They're all almost the same thing. They are really only different due to the shape of their core and the polish on the ball. The core shape cannot be changed but the shine can.


New Plastic Bowling Balls

>> Monday, January 25, 2010

New plastic bowling balls are a competitive bowler’s best friend. A nice new plastic spare ball can make or break a bowler as they get better. The one’s that own a solid plastic spare ball almost always end up coming up just a bit short because throwing your spare shots with a reactive bowling ball is a big mistake.

New Plastic Bowling Balls

Most new plastic bowling balls are not that expensive which is why it is sometime befuddling to understand why so many people do not throw one for their spare shots. Not only are new plastic bowling balls cheap they are also very durable as the coverstock is not high performance. It doesn’t need to be maintained and it really doesn’t degrade.

Just about the only time you will have to replace a new plastic bowling ball is if it gets damaged or lost somehow. It is also possible the multiple times plugging and redrilling your plastic spare ball may make the finger holes weak. This may force a replacement down the line.

Even still because a new plastic bowling ball is so affordable you have the luxury of scuffing it at will or shinning it as needed. You can easily redrill the ball for a different thumb pitch or for any reason. Maybe you kid has growing hands; a good plastic spare ball can adapt with him over time.

It is true that you can save money on the new plastic bowling balls by buying online or by buying used bowling balls however usually doing this means you will have to pay for finger holes drilling. Sometimes this can complexly offset the financial incentive of buying used. Consider the costs if you think a new plastic bowling ball is too expensive.

Lastly, keep in mind that though most new plastic bowling balls are essentially the same however they look, that there are a handful that have engineered cores to help a ball hook slightly. Not many plastic balls are designed this way so make sure to check with your pro shop professional to identify balls that do what you want them to do.


Plastic Bowling Balls For Sale

>> Saturday, January 23, 2010

Plastic bowling balls for sale can be found just about anywhere. You be suprised at how basic these balls are. In fact you could probably even show up at a well stocked discount warehouse store and find a couple plastic bowling balls for sale in their sports equipment section. Obviously they won't have a pro shop to do your ball drilling but the ball is for sale.

Obviously I wouldn't recommend buying a plastic bowling ball for sale at a big bax store because of the drilling costs you'll find at a pro shop. Bowling equipment proshops trypically offer ball drilling for free when you buy a bowling ball.

Plastic Bowling Balls

If indeed you are in the market for a good plastic bowling ball and decide to buy a plastic bowling ball at a proshop you should know that there really isn't any difference between the polyester balls. Once in a blue moon you'll find a plastic bowling ball for sale that has a high end core designed to curve but this is rare.

Plastic bowling ball coverstocks are simply polyester blends that skid in oil and don't react much to friction. They all are essentially the same so if you meet a saleman who wants to upsell you on a plastic ball just know that that's what he is doing; upselling. Just look at plastic bowling balls for sale which you like to look of and then just go with the cheapest one.

If you want to buy one online for a discount that is usually an option too though you will have to pay extra for drilling at a later date. It is a trade off and the choice is up to you.


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